How long is the course?
The course will last either one year or two years, dependent on your age, chosen course and GCSE grades.
We offer two qualifications –
There are typically two routes on our Football Education Programmes – BTEC or NVQ up to Level 3 as follows.
Route 1 - NVQ Certificate in Activity Leadership Level 2
Certificate or Diploma in Coaching Sport Level 2
NVQ Diploma in Supporting the delivery of PE & School Sport Level 3
Route 2 – BTEC National Foundation Diploma in Sports Coaching and Development Level 3
BTEC National Extended Diploma in Sports Coaching and Development Level 3
Who is Quorn Football Education Academy for?
The QEFA is for learners boys or girls who are between 16-19 years old, that want a education programme which remains highly practical in the development of their practical skills as future footballers. But this course is also aimed for learners who want a career in sport as there is a multitude of different skills and qualifications to work on whilst with us. Coaching, Match Officiating, Fitness, Nutrition, Match/Player Analysis and Mental Wellbeing are other areas we focus on whilst you study with us.
What qualifications do I gain?
The QEFA Academy, in partnership with our education partner Loughborough College, provides you with the opportunity to gain a variety of BTEC Sport qualifications but also to support you in a GCSE in English and Maths if needed. We also will enter all our learners in The FA Level 1 Coaching Badge if they wish to do so.
Where do I study/train?
You will study at Quorn Football Club for your education, training and coaching. We have a Full Sized 3G Pitch with Seated Stand to replicate a full stadium experience whilst studying with us. We also have a classroom, fitness wing and physiotherapy room on-site. We however uptake offers in our local community to use their facilities if it benefits our learners.
What type of coaching/training do I receive?
The Academy coaching program is designed to produce players of the future, with a clear player pathway for Quorn Football Club and beyond. The continued development of the Academy is committed to adopting a playing style, strategy and system that gives each individual player the opportunity to succeed at every stage of their developmental process.
Player assessment will be completed on the ‘4 Corners of Football Performance’ principle.
· Technical
· Tactical
· Physical
· Psychological/Social
This aims to educate and prepare players for excellence in football through the implementation of a well-defined, age specific coaching and education programme which will allow for the holistic development of each individual player.
What kind of medical care will I receive?
We employ a range of medical staff who will be around for your physical and wellbeing needs. We strive to provide the best quality help and care to all our learners.
What playing opportunities will I be able to access whilst studying at Quorn Football Education Academy?
Our Academy Learners will function as full academy squads. Entered into The National Youth League Alliance and The FA Youth Cup. Giving the highest competition and support along the way from Our Academy Staff. We will also host our own internal competitions with other sides in The Midlands Area.
A key feature of our Academy is the progression route into Our Under 21 Elite Squad and 1st Team at Quorn Football Club. Both playing at a high standard and further opportunities to progress your development and playing career whilst studying with us.
Our Head of Coaching – Neil is also the 1st Team Assistant Manager which provides a excellent support package for you as aspiring footballers.
Am I supplied with kit?
We have secured a deal with a local kit provider which allows the academy to give each learner their own training kit (Shirt, Shorts, Tracksuit Bottoms and Zip Up Jacket)
All match kits are provided by the Academy and washed on a weekly basis by our kit team.
Who will be teaching me?
Fully qualified tutors from Loughborough College will be responsible for helping you gain your desired qualifications, whilst your football coaching will be taken by ourselves and our UEFA and FA licensed coaches. All staff involved with the Academy are both first aid and safeguarding trained and checked. All staff fully adhere to Loughborough College’s and Quorn Football Club’s safeguarding policies.
If you are 16-19 years-old and this sounds like the type of programme you would be interested in joining, do not hesitate to apply below.