NEWS: Chairman’s Day
Saturday will mark the 88th birthday of our Chairman, Stuart Turner. To celebrate the occasion, we are giving away a free drink to the first 88 paying customers.
The first 88 will be given a token when they come through the turnstile, which they can redeem at the Snack Shack for a free drink. The coupons can be used for any drink from the Snack Shack, whether that be tea, coffee, hot chocolate, Bovril, one of many soft drinks, or an alcoholic beverage.
As well as the free drinks there will also be offers on in the kitchen (cash only) and behind the bar. The kitchen are marking the day with a “Turner Tower Burger” (£5.00), which consists of a burger with bacon, cheese & a hash brown. At the bar you will be able to purchase a “Chairman’s Special” (£4.00) which consists of a pint of Cruzcampo and a shot of Sourz (Cherry or Apple).